National Asset Management PLC launched Signing Ceremony of NAM IBBL Islamic Unit Fund

National Asset Management PLC is proud to announce the launch of its lslamic investment product, NAM IBBL Islamic Unit Fund. This innovative fund is designed to align with our commitment to sustainability and responsible investing while providing attractive returns for our clients.

The assets of the Fund will be invested in listed stocks, bonds in the Stock Exchanges and also will be invested in equity securities, bonds through IPO and Pre-IPO placement of the non-listed and to be listed companies.

We believe that investing in a sustainable future is not only responsible but also financially rewarding. As return of investment in NAM IBBL Islamic Unit Fund supports our clients while achieving their financial goals.

This new fund reflects National Asset Management Ltd's dedication to ethical investing and contributing to a more sustainable market. Clients can now participate in this exciting opportunity to invest in the fund that is driving positive change for future growth.

For more information about the Unit Fund and how to invest, please visit our website or contact our dedicated investment management committee.